June 28, 2023


Venue: Hersham Community Centre

  • Actions from last minutes
  • Feedback from IT event
  • Total Triage Feedback
  • Vote to appoint a Chairman
  • Pharmacy Letter
  • AOB
  • Next Date for meeting



Charlie Cheeseman

Linda Holman

Amba Dixon

Nickel – Work Experience Student

Amy Hayes


John Jordan


Elaine Marchant


Apologies sent: Janet Koheli


Update from last meeting

A new social prescriber is starting at the surgery. They will be offering face to face appointments at the surgery twice a week. This will be a shared working week with Fort House surgery.

Moving forward: introduce to Amy for possible clinics to be held at Hersham Centre for the Community.

  • Reception manager has confirmed the contact information for Elmbridge Transport – 01372 474944, is given to patients to arrange hospital transport. This information will be added to the new website. AH suggested Care in Community should also be an option. They do not charge for the services. ACTION: Feedback to reception manager.
  • A new poster is up in the reception area asking patients to inform reception team of their needs. These action points will then be added to the patient’s individual medical notes as pop-ups. Action: CC to send AH the poster to be hung in the Centre
  • New website feedback is that the front page is not clear and to make an appointment button should be clear to patients. Action: Feedback to the IT board.

Feedback from IT event held on 13th June

  • Feedback from the team that it was a good turnout of patients.
  • AH suggested holding the event three times per year with different IT related matters.

Total Triage Feedback

  • Extremely good feedback from patients, GP’s and Admin staff. Feels it is working well for all 

Vote to Appoint a Chairman

  • We had two candidates put their names forward to sit as Chairman.
  • Mr Roy Green decided to resign from the PPG before a vote was taken.
  • All in favour of Mr John Jordan being voted in as our Chairman.

Pharmacy Letter to be written

  • A letter was discussed at the last meeting to send to the local pharmacy with regards to prescription requests. Action: AD to write the letter. All PPG members to come to the surgery to sign. AD will be in touch once complete


  • The group feel strongly that more patients are needed to join the PPG to have a wider age range. Action: AD to contact local schools/nurseries to invite teachers and ask to send out an email to their parents.
  • PPG policy was discussed. JJ states some changes need to be made. Action: CC will edit the policy to be sent out to PPG
  • Future Agendas to be emailed to JJ ahead of the next meeting dates.

Next Meeting date: Wednesday 16th August – 10am

Action Log


Action Owner

To be completed when? If applicable

Care in the community cars. Information to be given to RJ for website


Next meeting

Hang poster in Hersham centre. Email to AH


Next meeting

Pharmacy letter – discuss with CC what is needed to be written


Next meeting

Contact school/nurseries to recruit more members


Next meeting

PPG Policy to be edited


Next meeting

Send next agenda to JJ


1 week before next meeting

New website – feedback to IT board
