Aug. 16, 2023


Meeting Name: PPG Meeting

Venue: Hersham Centre for the Community

Date and time: Wednesday 16th August 2023 – 10am


Charlie Cheesman

Amy Hayes

Amba Dixon – Meeting Minutes

John Jordan



  • Agreement to last Minutes
  • Website Review
  • Lloyd George digitalisation of Paper notes update
  • Flu clinics
  • Pharmacy
  • AOB

All agreed to the last meeting minutes


Website Review

·        Charlie and the manager of another local practice have had a meeting with the digital team to pass on the negative feedback of the website.  The website seems to prioritise logins to NHS rather than patients being cared for, very negative vibe across the town about this.

·        All agreed that the NHS APP section on the appointment booking page should be lower down and the button made clear and at the top, to make an appointment through an online form.

·        All felt it should be made clear to the ICB digital team how the elder population are struggling downloading the NHS App despite our support. This is being vocalised across social media – such as Facebook Hersham pages – that the Hersham Surgery does not have anything positive to offer. This is being fed back to our reception team on a daily basis and is affecting the staff negatively at the surgery.

·        The doctors have discussed possibly funding a private website should the digital team not improve the site.

Action: To be discussed with the doctors in due course if improvements are not made.

·        It was suggested that the minutes are forwarded to NHS E and the digital team so they are aware of the problems and patients concerns.

·        Amy informed the group of how she spent 45 minutes with one of the Hersham Centres patients – also a Hersham surgery patient, trying to register them for the App. She felt it was extremely difficult.  A lot of frustration has been voiced to the staff at the centre.

·        Amy has a contact who designs websites and suggested putting Charlie in contact with them


Lloyd George Digitalisation of Paper Notes

·        Charlie explained to the group that the paper notes being stored in the surgery waiting area are now slowly being turned to digital files and will be held on a portal.

·        The notes will eventually be available for patients to view digitally on the NHS App.

Flu Clinics

·        Good feedback was received  from the group with regards to the flu clinic appointment invite being sent out to the patients. They found it easy to use and book

·        Sunday clinics have been offered and the church will be asked to make an announcement at their service for patients to take advantage of these clinics

·        Clinics are also being held at Whiteley Village and the local care homes

Pharmacy Letter

·        Amba has written a letter addressed to the Hersham Pharmacy to request they help with the triaging clinics CPCS from Hersham Surgery, as requested previously

·        John and Amy read the letter and confirm they are happy to sign it

·        The letter will be shared with the PPG meeting minutes and emailed to the group

Action: AD to forward letter to PPG Group along with the minutes

Should there be no response from this approach John will write a letter



·        Amy fed back to the group the great experience she recently had on getting an appointment at the surgery. Also wanted to express how friendly the staff all are and always polite and willing to help.

·        We have a new phone company taking over soon to fix the phone problems within the surgery. The company is X-on/ Surgery connect.  This provider has been highly recommended by the two Weybridge practices.

·        Amy pointed out a negative post on Facebook regarding the appointment system. Shared this with Charlie for the patients to be contacted.

·        Ongoing action from last meeting - Policy to be updated – Charlie to action

Next Meeting date: Wednesday 13th September – 10am